Judy Lariviere
Alternative & Augmentative Communication
(AAC) Consultant
Judy Lariviere has 30 years of experience leveraging Assistive Technology, including Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), for the benefit of children, teenagers, and young adults with Rett Syndrome (RTT) and related disorders.
In her work with youngsters with complex communication needs, Judy focuses on identifying their best means of access to technology for communication, literacy learning, and leisure.
Over the past 12 years, Judy has developed her own copyrighted eye gaze layouts specifically for individuals with RTT, as well as those with cortical visual impairment (CVI), to use on AAC devices that incorporate eye gaze technology. Some of the customized page sets she has created include a video player, accessible music player, life experience pages, control of smart speakers, books, alphabet books, and rhyming page sets. Judy has used her eye gaze trial page sets successfully in Tobii Dynavox’s Communicator 5 and Grid 3 with over 300 young children, teens, and adults with RTT, CDKL5, FOXG1, and MECP2 duplication.
Judy holds a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology with a concentration in Special Education.